Melinda's Art Blog

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Location: Jacksonville, North Carolina, United States

This is just a blog of drawings.I havent kept up much. but I do love art. Whether its admiring or creating it. I am by no means a proffesional nor am I sure if its a profession I would like to pursue, but it is a great way to pass the time.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Illustration Friday 12/6/13: pattern

Figured id jump back in... :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

wow... almost six years...

Can't believe its been so long since my last post. I havent really been drawing much to be honest. Ive been so caught up with the kid in school. Craziness at work and well my really sad addiction to sci fi novels... haa. always the nerd. Well Its time to once again sharpen my pencils and get back into practice. However, Ill post some of the random things I have been working on. Most of which are just little bits from art days with the kiddo.

The first two were.. well the half photo exercise, Im sure everyone has done this at least once.(I had to include the kid's, she was so proud of herself and likes to do this when she " cant think of something to draw" now) But it was a fun afternoon. The second was a "cant seem to fall asleep" drawing. The last was a non dominant hand drawing. Not much but Hopefully Ill get the ball going and gat back into the habit of drawing.

Friday, May 26, 2006

tonights pic

well I was bored today, figured I would pick up my sketch book.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

illustration friday: SPRING

Its been a while since Ive posted, i figured I was due for an update. This pic kinda represents spring in bloom.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

new picture..

I was soo bored last night, So I decided to work on this little idea thats been in my head...It turned out better than i thought it would.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Illustration friday: blue

This was pulled from my portfolio. Its a couple years old now, but i think it covers he topic in both mood and color;)

Monday, November 21, 2005

illustration friday: FREE

This picture was actually inspired by the book Eragon. The character was having a rough time throughout most of the story and it seemed that when he was flying he was free from his worries. Anyhoo, I didnt finish my illustration for strenght. hopefully itll be done soon and I can post it. btw, thanks Mike for the inspiration;) and thank you to all who have complemented my work. I am glad you all enjoy:)